Installing New Gutters? A Few Things To Know
Your old gutters are looking pretty shabby, so you know it is time to have them replaced. After all, they have been in use for a long time and they do serve a valuable purpose. If you are like most homeowners, you will have a few questions when you start looking at the process of installing new gutters online. Here are a few things you will probably want to know before you contact a professional for help.
Do you need more downspouts if you live in a high-precipitation area?
If you have a lot of rainfall in the area where you live, it is definitely worth considering upping the number of downspouts you have on your gutter system, especially if you have a larger house. Just one or two downspouts may not be able to effectively drain the water from the gutters fast enough during heavy downpours to prevent the rain from overflowing from the gutters. Most people only install a downspout on each end of the gutters, but it may be worth considering adding an additional downspout in another inconspicuous area in areas of high rain. Contact a residential rain gutter installation services company to learn more.
What are leafguard gutters?
Leafguard gutters are designed to prevent leaves from getting into the gutters and clogging them up, so they can be well worth the little extra they cost if you are having your gutters replaced. You can buy extensions to existing gutters that are called gutter guards, which serve the same purpose but have to be snapped onto the gutters piece by piece. Leafguard gutters come with guards already attached by the manufacturer, and the guards can be opened so you can clean them or retrieve any debris that does make it into the gutter system.
Do you still need a drip edge on your roof if you have gutters?
It is a common misconception that a drip edge along the perimeter of the roof is not necessary as long as you have gutters, but this is not true. You should still make sure there is a drip edge to encourage water to flow into the gutters and not route its way to some other place on the roof or in your home's structure. If the roof you now have does not have a drip edge, it is a good idea to have at the edge of the roofing extended by drip edge extenders so the water naturally flows to the gutters.